Happy New Year! Here at Sow N’ Seeds we are hopeful for 2022! We believe this is your year. This is our year. Things will start to turn around for the growth ahead. It is my goal to sit down every Sunday and provide a weekly farm report. A weekly update that will go over changes on the farm, family updates, talk about our crazy animals, what worked or did not work, goals, just whatever is on our mind.
“Sow” lets dig in!
We took a quick little weekend trip and hit the beach. We drove 12-14 hours due to traffic. We decided we will not do that again. Instead we will fly via Allegiant for quick trips like this. If you have never checked them out highly recommend! We typically fly out of Belleville or Nashville. Super cheap, direct flights to lots of destinations. – I love to travel so if you ever need some travel tips, holler! We were fortunate enough to get into a program in 2010 through Sheraton/Vistana timeshares. It’s now owned by Marriott Bonvoy. Happy to share what I’ve learned.
I love to travel that last week of December and spend it on the beach somewhere warm. There is something about reading a good book and resetting for the upcoming year that does the body, mind, and soul good. Also, reading books on flower farming and placing seed orders are so much better when done in 70+ degree weather.

I was watching the weather reports and nervous about the low tunnels. BUT! There was nothing I could do about it so we built a sandman on New Year’s Eve. We left warm weather and drove home just as the snow was starting.
The snow came and went and the low tunnels maintained! Woohoo!!! Checked on all the little plants that are underneath and they were doing good! I may have some issues with the orlaya but hoping it will snap out of it.
Also this week, I unknowingly completed in the Celine Dion challenge thanks to my loving son, Nolan. Apparently this challenge involves a leaf blower and people singing a Celine Dion song with the blower serving as a fan in their face. That was not my experience. As you saw in my gardeners top 10 gift list I am obsessed with my leaf blower and Nolan felt it was the perfect opportunity. So thank you Craftsman for the amazing leaf blower that blew snow in my face. LOL! Referral link here: Craftsman Weedwacker and Leaf Blower Combo.
We also “whispered” as you may have seen on my first TikTok video to the tulips. You may recall in one of my prior posts that we had planted tulips early this season to beat the weather change. In years past, by Christmas, I would see the first tulips emerging. This year, due to the weather being above average, it has not allowed the tulips to have a long enough “cooling period” which has delayed them.

Good news though! The snow helped and a whisper talking to (my opinion) and the tulips are breaking through. So are the narcissus! YAY! The allium have also emerged so hoping they hold off.

Another success this week are the ranunculus. I think they are so beautiful! I received the corms late and was able to get them soaked and in potting mix prior to us leaving. They typically take 7 – 10 days to sprout. This week we have almost 100% all corms pre-sprouted. They should flower mid March/first of April and will be available in the Spring Subscriptions. Spring Subscriptions are still open in our shop for purchase. Can’t wait!!

New Resolutions.
So with success comes some set backs and I struggled with my New Year’s Resolutions. My resolutions were to 1) mediate/be in the word daily; 2) clean eat for 90 days; and 3) travel more this year. I have done relatively well but the sugar cravings have been tough. Little Debbie – I hope I never see you out because I will demolish a box of you.
We have a new week ahead and lots on the calendar: Plant Ranunculus, start spring seeds, create the 2022 vision board, and continue forward with the resolutions.
Pray for me! 🙂
– Mal