Hey! Hey! Hey! We dodged another major snowstorm this week! As a kid I loved playing in the snow, sledding, and being pulled on a sled behind a four wheeler. Now, I hate being cold, my muscles aches at the thought, and rather be nice and toasty inside or on a beach. I really just sounded like I was falling apart. LOL!
Raised Beds
Any who! Nolan and I constructed 2 more raised beds and nestled the Ranunculus into their new homes, under the low tunnels. We pre-sprouted the Ranunculus around New Years and the root system was so awesome! Super proud of how they took off. We should have blooms in the next 60-90 days with Spring Subscriptions.

I’ll post soon how Nolan and I constructed our raised beds using salvaged lumber. Very simple and easy project that took 10 minutes. Also turned animal troughs into raised beds that contain our herbs and plants that can become invasive, like mints.

Received our first box of Chrysanthemums (see that twice in a row) from Harmony Harvest! These are not your typical mums you think of at Lowes, etc. They are specialty heirloom mums that have all types of different flower types and colors for cut flowers. We have them potted up now. There are another 100 still on the way. Chrysanthemums will not go into the ground till late April/May and not bloom till later Summer/Fall. I have never grown them so lots to learn.
Seeds are starting to arrive!

And here’s Johnny! Right on time as always! We have our growing calendar ready. I’ve already started some seeds that will take longer to germinate and mature. Most seeds, based on our last frost date, will not get started for another week or two. Usually I’m late to the party but not this year friends! I’m ahead of schedule.
Conquering Goals
In other big farm news, I continue to dabble with TikTok to my families dissatisfaction. LOL! To see the latest follow us on Facebook (@SowNSeedsFlowerFarm) and on Instagram (@Sow.N.Seeds). I also kept up with ALL my New Year’s resolutions. It was exactly at Day 12 that I no longer craved something sweet! You guys!!! That is like a miracle in itself. Not a coke, not a donut, and I did not miss Little Debbie! There is hope for us all.
Busy week ahead at my full time job (Boeing) this week. Plan to get some farm time in when I came.
Hope you all continue to have an amazing week and know that you are loved!